System Interruption and Data Damage Process
Law firms are frequently targeted by hackers and damage to the firm’s data or computer system interruptions often result. The SafeLaw system protection team provides firms with leading technical and legal resources to help firms minimize loss from hackers, viruses, DDOS and advance persistent attacks. Randy Sabbet from Cooley LLP leads the SafeLaw system protection team. A summary of our methodology for responding to computer attacks is as follows
The SafeLaw system protection team includes technical forensics experts from Mandient, Verizon, and Trustwave as well as legal experts where necessary. Randy Sabbet will deploy the best technical resources to determine the source and type of attack, terminate the threat, preserve evidence, and resecure the firm’s network.
Once the firm has investigated the attack, our technical, legal, and financial experts will help the firm evaluate the damage and advise the firm on the best way to rebuild damaged data and get the system back online quickly. Randy Sabbet will also advise the firm on an resulting legal liability, ethical and contractual risks as well as potential brand damage.
Randy will coordinate with our technical experts and the firm’s personnel to restore or rebuild damaged or lost data, resecure the network and bring it back online. Depending on the circumstances, we may work with technical experts to set up a temporary computer network for the firm while the firm’s system is being repaired.
Once the damage has been mitigated, Randy will deploy a team of forensic accountants to help the firm value their business interruption losses, extra expense and data restoration costs incurred in the attack.